Friday, December 02, 2005

Christmas Around the World

Hello Friends and Family,

On Thursday, December 8th 2005 Davin will be having an Italian Dinner (I will be baking my special recipe of cornbread for the event, too!) and presentation of "Christmas Around the World" at Teddy Bear Pre-School. Davin has been asked to represent his nationality in dress or costume.

Davin wants to share with you that he will be singing "Feliz Navidad", "Jingle Bells" and a song that sounds "Bon be tow wee-means Merry Christmas to You". Davin also wants you to know that the Christmas presentation "is going to be w-eally big!" Side note: When discussing Santa Claus with Davin, he has informed me that Santa brings beer to children who are naughty. So please try to stay on your best behavior!

Question: How do you think Davin should dress for nationality day?Davin's lineage is pretty colorful he is: Finnish, Czech, German, Polish, French, African-American, and Native American. Or maybe, we could dress Davin up in the style from the past?

Side Note: Did you know that adding a mixture of honey and brown sugar makes a crunchy topping for cornbread? Add this mixture to the cornbread in the last 10 minutes of baking for best results, and let it cool because the sugar will be hot!

Holiday Blessings, Lynn

Special Thanks:
Religions Art Gallery, J. Dominguez, M.D.

An Interesting Christmas Link:
Merry Christmas in 350 Languages

Davin dressed as a farmer for "Christmas from Around the World". You can read more about this exciting day at school in the December 8th post titled "A Place Called Home: Return to a Lost Past".

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