Sunday, December 11, 2005

Food for Thought, Inspired Writing from CiBelle

CiBelle and her husband, JD, are two of my closest friends. The Christmas letter and devotional thoughts they worked on are really beautiful, and inspiring so I thought I would share this with you. I have separated the Christmas letter into two entries so it is easier to read. The first part is "Food for Thought" and the second part is "Devotional Quotes for the Heart". The funny thing is that I was thinking about adding an entry on food, and how friend & family developed celebrations, recipes, and traditions from food. Then CiBelle calls me and asks to add "Food for Thought"--what a "coincedence"! Enjoy!

Food for Thought
Devotional Quotes
For The Heart

Compiled By

“CiBelle of the One Heart♥”

“CiBelle of the One Heart♥”

Table of Contents

Topic Page

Introduction 3-7

Holiday Blessings Poem 8

Affirmation/Divine Plan 9

The Prayer 10

Self Reflections 11-12

“Oneness The Human Race” 12

Compassion Loving Kindness 12-13

Making Judgments 13-14

Peace 14

The True Teacher 14


Greetings Dear Ones,

Many of you may know that I was ordained as a Non-Denominational minister in 1994.

I rarely tell people because I believe titles and the way we define ourselves can separate

us rather than unite us “All” as One.

For over 30 years I have been on a deeply spiritual and very personal path surrendering

my will to the will of God and being His instrument upon Earth. Also, balancing my own

negative and positive sides bringing them to the Neutral Position where the Divine dwells

manifesting the Grounded Ascension “As Above So Below.”

The only person we can change is ourselves by allowing the Divine Healer/Teacher to

work in our lives. We were given the Divine Gift “Free Will.” No one can take away

this God-given gift as long as we continue to use this gift, we are left to our

own devices. God wants us back out of love not fear. If in our desire to unite with the

Divine-All- Oneness, we gladly surrender our will to the will of the Divine, then we will

reside in unity with the Divine-All-Oneness.

Years ago a minister asked me, “what does being a Christian mean to me?” I said “it

allows me the Grace of God to see my shadow side, my own ugliness whether it is in

thought, word, or deed.” It is only by being aware that I can ask for Grace, be

transformed and brought into balance. This is truly a gift. Everyday we see people

justify their actions from the Words of a Holy Book. As we transform ourselves, our

darkness, the light goes out to transform the world. This is the greatest gift

you can give humanity and the planet Earth.

Thoughts and words are real; they have a vibration, usually negative or positive. They

go out and combine with the Collective Unconscious. The Collective Unconscious

eventually becomes conscious and from that all becomes manifest. “As a man

thinketh in his own heart, so he becomes” Proverbs 23:7. I personally know

someone who is unkind to everyone. What they have said to justify their actions is “I’m

just hard hearted.” It is no wonder that this person is alone, dying from COPD, has lost

five inches in height, and has Osteoporosis giving them a hump on their back. They have

congestive heart failure and are on full Oxygen. As this soul thought and acted, they

manifested as this has become their final days. This soul has lived their life as an angry

person. Before we can love and forgive others, we must love and forgive ourselves as we

look within and ask for Grace to recalibrate the negative vibration- fear or shadow side-

to neutral- “All Oneness.” Only when we can see the God or Light within ourselves can

we see God in the rest of humanity.

2005 has been a devastating year around the world. There has been so much suffering

be it by war or terrorism the unworthy deeds of humanity towards their brothers and

sisters. Or be it by Mother Earth “Heaving” trying to cleanse and balance through natural


As I traveled this year I was amazed to hear people voice ugly, negative opinions and

judgments toward those suffering. There is no such thing as “Those People.” We live in

a time of mass communication. Even though it is hard, we can choose to watch the

suffering of others, let it pierce our hearts, expand our compassion or we can remain

closed-off because it is too painful to look at the suffering and truly feel their pain in our

hearts. Or, we can try to place judgments on their suffering. If we choose to do either of

the last two choices, we will have to experience it first-hand. I teach through examples or

parables. Two examples are as follows:

Example One:

When Hurricane Katrina brought so much devastation the terrorists
were celebrating in the streets “Allah had punished the United States”
they said.

“What you sow, so shall you reap.”

It wasn’t long before there was a devastating earthquake in the predominantly Muslim areas in Pakistan, Cashmere and Afghanistan. God returned their ugliness to them quickly. Many innocent people suffered for the actions of a few.

Example Two:

When I was in Naples, one of the richest counties in Florida, a
woman said some awful judgments about the people in New
Orleans to me. I will not repeat them because of their negative
vibration. I told my dear friend of 34 years that I was worried
for her because this woman is her friend. If the rich do not have
compassion for the poorest of the poor, God will teach them first
hand. We are “All One.”- no one is higher or lower. My darling
friend does not feel like her friend, but all of us who know better
need to speak up or we will be held responsible for not speaking
the truth- sowing seeds of goodness and light on the ground of


Within days Hurricane Wilma was heading her wrath on Naples.
I prayed and anchored the light before I left to drive home to St.
Louis. The storm moved slightly south, Naples was spared the
worst part but South Florida where the wealthiest live was
devastated. Many suffered for the thoughts and deeds of a few.

To give of our money and goods is wonderful and needed. We can choose everyday to

give of ourselves by keeping our hearts soft, open, non-judgmental, compassionate and

loving in our thoughts, words and deeds. God always hears the prayers from our hearts-

Light begets Light. As you give, so you shall receive.

John and I are a part of a World Wide organization to bring light, peace and above all,
“Oneness,” to the Earth. It is called "Nvisible" and is comprised of all faiths, all people,

all paths. Did you know there are over 3,600 known Religions on Earth? 99% of all the

brutality is brought by the three major religions which are from the children of Abraham.

The Christians, Muslims and Jews. Because Abraham and Sarah did not believe what

God said, they used their “own free will” not the will of God. Hence, mankind was

destined to fight over who was the rightful heir of Abraham. “The sins of the fathers

shall be visited upon their children.” Humanity was scattered with different languages,

different faiths or beliefs, different features, and different colors.

The “Differences” become our separation from God’s Truth and Grace. “What you

have done unto the least of your brother so you have done unto me.” Our challenge

is to will our will to the will of God. To know our brothers and sisters “Are Ourselves”

past, present and future.

Now, became my time to step out. Stand in my Integrity. To live the truth I am

learning every moment of every day. Gandhi said “be the change you wish to see in

the world.” Ralph Waldo Emerson said “the only gift is a portion of thyself.”

As my gift, my love in action, I compiled these “Devotional Quotes” along with wisdom

from my reflection on the events of this year. The “Devotional Quotes: have been taken

from two of my favorite books.

“Making a Difference In Your World by Bobbi Sims.

The Art of Forgiveness, Loving Kindness and Peace by Jack Kornfield who authored “A Path with Heart”

All that I create, poems, affirmations and writing are inspired. They come through me

but not from me for I am but a part of the “One.” I am a spark of the Divine working

moment by moment to manifest The Divine here and now upon Planet Earth.

In sharing with you the poem “Holiday Blessing,” “The Prayer,” or affirmation

“The Divine Plan” I invite you, the reader, to draw personal growth from these words
as you travel along your own path or journey.


Please continue the journey in "Devotional Quotes For the Heart"

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