Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Alabama Church Fires-- A Letter to the Arsonists

For those setting fire to Alabama churches…

Faith is forged by fire. One day you will be called to the very flames you have set. On that day of judgment smoke will fill your lungs until you speak the truth, and are held accountable for what you have done. Until that day, you will carry a legacy of pain and ruin. Your conscious is scorched by your acts of arson. The only way to be free of this legacy is to turn yourself in. For every church you have set fire to, for every tear that has been shed, turn to God and beg for forgiveness. No person is beyond redemption. Then turn to the police, and confess your crimes. You will never be free from the horror of what you have done until you take responsibility for your actions, and seek to heal the hurt you have caused.

The churches you have set fire to are more than buildings, they are places where the community has come together to find support in God and in each other. Our ancestors have built these churches as a reminder for the values we believe in, and as a visible way we can connect to our heritage. These churches represent our devotion; as places where were shared sacred experiences with God—in prayer, in confession, in worship, in celebrations that marked our lives with a marriage, a Baptism or a funeral. For a time we will grieve. For a time we will be devastated. But our faith is strong, and cannot be kicked in. We now stand as pillars amid the ruins. We will rebuild. But understand we are much more than the church. As Christians, our work, our spirituality goes beyond the walls of the church. As Christians, we believe in hard work, charity and sacrifice. Our faith is a blazing flame that will kindle the world with the hope and redemption of God’s love.

At times faith is tested so that we may grow and mature. Remember the lesson of King Nebuchadnezzar who tried to get the people of Babylon to worship an empty statue made of gold. When Shadrach, Mesach and Abendago refused to bow down to the statue, King Nebuchadnezzar ordered them to be thrown into a fiery furnace. These three brave men so believed that God would protect them that they did not fight, did not flee. King Nebuchadnezzar thought he would show God his might, and threw more kindling into the furnace so it burned seven times hotter. Then Shadrach, Mesach and Abendago where thrown into the furnace while still alive. The flames were so hot that they burned up the guards who threw them in, and their bodies writhed and turned to ash. Shadrach, Mesach and Abendago fell into the heart of the fire unharmed. They did not burn or even smell of smoke. God had sent an angel to protect them. Shadrach, Mesach and Abendago walked out of that furnace even stronger, filled with the fire of faith. King Nebuchadnezzar tore down all the idols and ordered that all the people of Babylon worship the one, true God. Many people have been hurt by the fires you have set. Many communities were devastated by the loss. What remains, untouched and pure, is our faith. With faith working through us, we will overcome this challenge. I believe that God will transform the hurt, anger and grief to serve a greater purpose.

The fires you set will not redeem you or ease your pain. Faith cannot be forced by kicking open doors or setting fire to churches. Faith is a choice, and the dedication to stick with that choice even when you are challenged. You are hiding now but God knows what you have done, and one day you will be held accountable. On that day of judgment you have two choices: to stand in fear or to stand strong, knowing that you have committed a terrible wrong but have taken responsibility for your actions, and worked to heal the hurts you have caused. You can spend the rest of your life lying and hiding. I guarantee that choice will not make you happy, and you will carry a terrible weight in your conscious. You will forever be alone because you will be hiding a secret that will keep you from getting close to anyone—not your family, not your spouse, not your children. Or you can make a change—starting now. Walk into a police station and confess your crimes. If you take responsibility for setting the churches on fire, and work towards justice, your life will be transformed. To take that step, you must confess your crimes—every fire that you have set. Turn away from darkness, from hurting others. Let the fire of faith light your life.

Thoughts on Fire & Faith:

“Let your fire feed on all my disbelief. Cause you are all I need. You’re contagious, like a blaze I can’t contain. It never fades away; it’s sunshine through the rain. That’s what your love is. “
– Krystal Meyers, Fire.

Psalm 146:5-9 (Good News Bible),” Happy is the man who has the God of Jacob to help him and who depends on the Lord his God, the Creator of heaven, earth, and sea, and all that is in them. He always keeps his promises; he judges in favor of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free and gives sight to the blind. He lifts those who have fallen and loves his righteous people. He protects the strangers who live in our land; he helps the widows and orphans, but ruins the plans of the wicked.”

“If you are a friend of God, fire is your water. You should wish to have a hundred thousand sets of mothwings, so you could burn them away, one set a night. The moth sees the light and goes into the fire. You should see fire and go toward the light. Fire is what of God is world-consuming. Water, world-protecting.” –Rumi, The Question.

1 Peter, Chapter 1:6-8 "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials that the genuiness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith--the salvation of your souls."

Lynn Mari, ©2006


Matthew Cloyd, Russel DeBusk Jr and Benjamin Mosely have been charged with setting fire to several churches in Bibb County, Green County, Pickens County and Sumter County, Alabama. Charge two of the indictment deals with the arson of Ashby Baptist Church in Brierfield. Five of the churches that were burned were destroyed, four were damaged. All the churches had similiar patterns in how the fires were set around the alter. The three friends said they began to set fires as a "joke". When the arson investigation began to intensify Cloyd, Mosely and DeBusk set fires in other counties to divert attention, in an attempt to throw the investigation off their trail. Despite the attempt at creating a diversion, forensic evidence led ATF investigators to the culprits. Tire tracks from Cloyd's Toyota were found at the scene of six church fires.

Thank you to the ATF, police fire investigators and prosecutors who are working on this case! Also want to extend my thanks to those offering their prayers, and those who assisted this investigation with leads or information.

AOL News - Three Students Arrested in Alabama Church Fires

FindLaw: Federal Arson Charges Against 3 Suspects Accused of Setting Fire to Alabama Churches

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